Martin Kováčik

About Me

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I was born in Čadca, Slovakia. I spent my whole childhood in Kysuce Region. I like cycling, running, cross-country skying, swimming. You can meet me in the Kysuce woods when the weather is nice and I'm at home. You can meet me in Bratislava as well. I like people with similar interests. If you want to know more about me, you can ask somebody from Elam Klub in Bratislava ( ) or someone from KmiT ( ).

I study at Faculty of Information Technology at Slovak University of Technology.

I'm interested in informatics, especially in technologies linked with web and content management. I'm very good in PHP, but I use other programming languages as well...C/C++, Java, Pascal, and I'm getting to know Perl. Currently I'm trying to understand Enterprise Java and pecularities of UML.

I work quite a lot with several Unix flavors and similar operating systems, so I like them too ;-), Especially FreeBSD and Linux. I administer (FreeBSD of course :-).

Currently I work as a programmer on content filtering and content scanning sollution for web environment. The main plot of this kind of systems is to prevent user from accessing inapropriate content such as viruses, adult web pages, warez, etc. This leads to more secure environment and enhances employes productivity.

If you are interested in this kind of systems, you can have a look at opensource concurents:

I would like to have a closer look at some self-learning algorithms and link them with web. I would like to create some dynamic preference system, which will gather individual preferences from users behaviour on page. It would be very nice to have a live site behaving according rule What You See Is What You Want to See (WYSIWYWTS ;-).

Currently I work on project that eases collaboration and knowledge management. It is part of my Bachelor thesis. This project is mostly covering new paradigm called wiki. The goal of this project is to analyse processes of collaborative data exchange, collection and catalogization within comunity. Secondary goal is to analyse possible sollutions and approaches to avoid vandalism within this kind of system in smaller communities. You can find more information about this project on my section Bachelor project.